Wolverton Agora

Regeneration project in Wolverton’s town centre.

With careful design we can create genuinely car-free neighbourhoods. Wolverton Agora is part of ‘Love Wolverton’ – a project for 105 homes and 493m2 commercial space on the site of the former Agora shopping centre for TOWN, in collaboration with Mole Architects. An inclusive consultation programme led to a site strategy that puts the existing community at its heart. A pedestrian friendly public landscape will feature seating spaces, bike racks and robust planting with a variety of tree species. The shared surface residential streets are an extension of the natural environment, inspired by the European ‘Living Streets’ concept, which views the street as a social space with informal play throughout, and prioritises pedestrian safety over vehicular mobility.

“Planning permission is a vital milestone in any project. Here, it’s the culmination of years of co-operative work between council officers and elected members, our team and above all the Wolverton community who have campaigned tirelessly to have the Agora replaced by a development worthy of the town.”

Neil Murphy

Director of TOWN in The Architect’s Journal

“Planning permission is a vital milestone in any project. Here, it’s the culmination of years of co-operative work between council officers and elected members, our team and above all the Wolverton community who have campaigned tirelessly to have the Agora replaced by a development worthy of the town.”

Neil Murphy

Director of TOWN in The Architect’s Journal


Wolverton Agora


TOWN & Milton Keynes Council


115 homes for social/market rent, co-housing & 493m2 commercial space


88 dwellings/ha


Darc Studio


Housing Design Award 2022 (Project) |Planning Award 2022


Mole, Urbed, Max Fordham, Studio Allen, Elliot Wood, Civic Engineers, Crowle Consultancy, ImaginePlaces


Wolverton Agora


TOWN & Milton Keynes Council


115 homes for social/market rent, co-housing & 493m2 commercial space


88 dwellings/ha


Darc Studio


Housing Design Award 2022 (Project) |Planning Award 2022


Mole, Urbed, Max Fordham, Studio Allen, Elliot Wood, Civic Engineers, Crowle Consultancy, ImaginePlaces